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Space Studio II - EU Youth Action Project
Canakkale Astrophysics Research Centre / Çanakkale - TURKEY


Arif Solmax
 "Space Studio - II " is an educational amateur astronomy project entitled EU Youth Program COMU at the Astrophysics Research Center and Ulupınar Observatory took place between September 26 to  October 1 2009 . This year, more countries where the project participants came from and the various European countries who are interested in astronomy from the youth organizations and youth workers to young people was given to the amateur astronomy education. ÇOMÜ Physics and Astronomy Community, ÇOMÜ EU Youth program office under the coordination of projects carried out within the scope of university students to recognize the different cultures, foreign language skills development, cultural projects cycle and gain experience in management reviews have been targeted. One of the trainer Halit Mirahmetoğlu says " With International Year of Astronomy 2009 in the realization of the importance of astronomy education by civil society and understanding necessary for informing a new generation of consolidated at the front opening is significant" said. At the opening program of Turkey's largest telescope T122cm  young people found the opportunity to meet professional Turkish astronomers. Participants were from Lithuania, Romania, France, Poland, Estonia, Hungary, Spain, Slovakia and Turkey, of the project ended on October 1.