I am the Vice President of the East Valley
Coalition and a board member of the Hansen Dam Advisory Board. I was able to get permission from the City of Los Angeles
and the Chief Park Ranger to have, working with Bob Alborzian and the Burbank California Sidewalk Astronomers, star
parties at Hansen Dam every second month. We have had six star parties so far (we were clouded out twice) and we also had
a great one atop the closed Bradley Landfill thanks to Doug Corcoran, the district manager, who had busses to take us to the
Everyone marvels at the home-made Dobsonian telescopes and all the information the astronomers provide
at every star party we hold is appreciated by the public. Of course Saturn is always a great thrill.
met John Dobson a couple of times. He's a great man. My wife and I are volunteers for the Planetary Society in Pasadena, California.
We subscribe to Astromony Magazine and have NASA on our websight. So much is being discovered every day!
Bob and I are planning to do more star parties next year.