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Halloween in Old Town! by Jane Houston Jones

In the grand tradition of sidewalk astronomers we took telescopes out Halloween night in our town square.  I dressed as the constellation Orion, and couldn't help posing for this picture when Canis Major and Minor, the big and little dog constellations walked by.  The Great Dane and the French Bulldog were adorable and were just perfect  models for as mighty Orion's two hunting dogs.  :-)


Jane Houston Jones

Monrovia, CA

Website: www.whiteoaks.com

Old Town Astronomers:  http://www.otastro.org What's Up October? Andromeda Galaxy!  http://solarsystem.nasa.gov/news/whatsup.cfm

Twitter: http://twitter.com/jhjones  http://twitter.com/CassiniSaturn

Blog: http://jane.whiteoaks.com/

