As I see it the big bang model
takes non-existence for granted and gets the Universe out of nothing. But if instead we take existence
for granted but not space and time, we see at once that that existence must be changeless (not
in time), infinite and undivided (not in space), and that seeing that existence as in space and time must be a mistake.
The Universe is made of energy. It’s the underlying existence showing through in the mistake
of seeing things in space and time.
The Infinite shows through against
smallness as the electrical energy of the minuscule particles, and, as the rest mass of the electron.
The Undivided shows through against dividedness and dispersion as the gravitational energy of the
dispersed particles and as the rest mass of the proton.
The Changeless shows through against changes as inertia.
The reason we see a Universe of hydrogen is because Heisenberg’s
Uncertainty Principle prevents the electron from sitting on the proton. This necessary uncertainty is characteristic
of mistakes. If we mistake a rope for a snake, we cannot identify the snake.
As this hydrogen falls together by gravity to galaxies and stars, its radiation drives the cosmological
expansion which imposes a boundary to the observable Universe where the red-shifting of the receding particles approaches
totality. All radiation going through the region near the boundary where the rest mass of the particles
is seen to be very low will be so often picked up and re-radiated that it will be thermalized to the microwave background
radiation discovered by Penzias and Wilson in 1965.
Now an interesting thing about
that border is that through Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle it recycles the hydrogen and the negative entropy back
in. The observational evidence for this recycling from the border is the Hubble telescope report that there is more than enough
hydrogen in those inter-galactic voids to make all the known galaxies. From where else could the hydrogen come?
So we see that if we see what we see as in space and time we will automatically see a Universe of
hydrogen falling together by gravity to galaxies and stars. And since the observable border recycles the hydrogen and the
negative entropy the question is: Is the Universe alive?
we see that the Universe has all three of the defining characteristics of a living organism; a boundary between inside and
outside across which it replicates the hydrogen and recycles negative entropy.
If the Universe were not alive in this sense I think nothing could be alive within it. From where could the negative
entropy come?
Our question is: Why do we continue to see this mistake? It’s because our genetic
programming is primarily concerned with the prime directives – replication and negative entropy. Speaking to women Sri
Ramakrishna referred to them as man and gold.