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Liverpool AS Event Reports by Dave Owen and others

Ainsdale Discovery Centre  - January 22, 2010 
I arrived, by train from Liverpool Central Station, at about 19:10. As I had not seen any sign of the Sun all day I was not expecting this event to have clear skies. However, the 1st quarter Moon was easily visible in the 20 minute walk to this event.

Jim Stacey was starting to set up his Celestron C6 f12 GoTo telescope when I arrived.

Brendan Martin soon had his 10 inch Dobsonian Reflector set up to view the Moon and Mars. The limiting magnitude, at about 19:15, was approximately 3, within about 30 degrees of the zenith. Below that altitude the fog made it very difficult to see anything.

Geoff Regan brought his Son Chris to this event.

Lawrence Ashworth set up his 4 inch refractor and Graham Roberts set up my 3 inch f4 reflector that he had brought in his car.

Jim Lawler and Derek Heslin set up their 25 x 100 binoculars and almost immediately proceeded to improvise some dewcaps for them.

Other LAS members that I remember being there were Pam McAdams and Alan Dennott

At about 19:36 I was able to see a very good view of Mars in Jim Stacey's C6 with a 6mm 300x eyepiece. A polar cap was easily visible, as well as a large dark region below it.

Just after 19:30, the Ainsdale Ranger, Rachel, turned off the external fluorescent lights. This made viewing a lot easier. Rachel also provided access to hot drinks and biscuits that were much appreciated.

At about 19:50 the fog started to get thicker and by about 19:53 the Moon had almost dissappeared.

At about 20:00 Geoff Regan started his talk in the Visitors Centre - "Our Place in Space". This was followed, after a short intermission, by Brendan Martin's talk - "My Favourite Objects Through a Telescope". This lasted from about 20:45 to about 21:15. By then, it was time to pack up and go our seperate ways.

Jim Stacey and Alan Dennott were able to take pictures of this event which can be seen below:

Ainsdale - 22 Jan 2010 Photos





I arrived at about 19:20, with Geoff Regan but without any telescopes as the weather prospects looked pretty bad. Brendan Martin had already arrived and at about 19:30 started his talk - "My Favourite Objects Through a Telescope".

A provisional date of Fri 22 Oct 2010 was set, in consultation with the two Park Rangers present, for a return visit. This was later amended to Fri 3 Dec 2010.

Jim Stacey took some pictures of this event. See link below.

Dave Bentley brought his 85mm refractor but this could not be used due to persistent drizzle and 100% cloud cover.

Jim Lawler and Alan Dennott also attended this event. There were a total of 8 visitors for this even. With the addition of 2 Rangers and 6 LAS members this was a grand total of 16 people.

Brendan concluded his talk at about 19:58 and spent another 4 minutes answering questions from the audience.

At about 20:03, Geoff Regan started his talk - "Our Place in Space".

At about 20:35 the rain stopped but it stayed 100% cloudy.

Geoff finished his talk at about 20:42 and spent a few minutes answering audience questions.

Event Pictures by Jim Stacey:

Victoria Park - Crosby - 4 Dec 2009 Photos


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