ISAN 4 AND SUN-EARTH DAYin U.A.E. Knowledge, Fun and Entertainment in one night! by Nazar Sallam . . .
precipitation of 1000, the Emirates Mobile Observatory of Nazar Sallam, the UAE national coordinator for ISAN made his wonderful
event in (Abu Dhabi Family Garden).The weather condition
was perfect and that make the event brighter! Because the weather of UAE is mostly polluted with city light, dust, humidity,
sea steam and much more! The observed object was Moon, Saturn, Mars, Sirius, and some other deep
sky objects using CGE PRO MOUNT + 6" Ach Refractor 2" eyepiece wide filed + 10" Orion Reflector
on LXD75AT Mount. .
ISAN 4 in Syria Unforgettable Moments! by Muhammad Al-Asery . . .

Amateur Astronomers Association of Syria made its exciting ISAN
4 IN University of Al-Qalmun which holding the largest telescope inn this country. There were hundreds of participants specially
students and amateur astronomers including members of AAAS. The activity begins which a presentation by Muhammad Al-Asery
the president of AAAS about the importance of Space discovery for human beings and its role for international
development, then the techniques of starry night observation and the methods of astrophotography including the recent
spaced discovering and news. After that there was a big event with star party with celestial objects observations for lunar
craters and terrain and spotting the Arabic names for some selected craters, Mars and Saturn observations with M42 and M45.
After that, there were plenty of questions from audiences about space and astronomy and also about ISAN events. All over participants
wished to see other events like this very soon to made more bridges of cooperation between the nations around the world. This
event was proudly sponsored by City café Company with Science and Arab World Magazine.
ISAN 4 in Saudi Arabia An exciting
night even with a dusty sky! Abdulrazzaq Al-Bloshi

. .
of participants with deferent ages gathered in front of (Jeddah Club for Scientific
Talent - JCST) waiting to the beginning the ISAN 4 activities out there which has been set by Mr.Abdulrazzaq Al-Bloshi, the
KSA regional coordinator and the head of (JCST) Mr.Aiman Al-Harbi. The dust covered the whole skis of Jeddah, then the group
and many of the participants with some guests from Germany, Philippines, UK, Bangladesh are decided to
go outside the city to avoid it, but the dust was the same. Then the program turned from star gazing and planets observation
to an exciting presentation about (The very best methods to using Telescopes) by Mr. Aiman from KSA and Mr. Thomas from Germany.
The team returned to (JCST) office to continuing the activity, this time inside the hall of (JCST)
with a presentation about the role of Sidewalk Astronomers and ISAN events around the world to made bridges of cooperation
and exchanging experiences toward developing the true spirit of humanitarian cooperation without thinking of all over differences
between us.
