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ISAN 4 in Iraq by Azhy Hasan

   It was perfect weather with fresh spring gentle wind in Erbil city. The AAAK team joined thousands of peoples inside Minara Central Park in Erbil, it was very different day after we mixed two of worldwide astronomical events, ISAN 4 and Sun-Earth day with a very lovely day or holiday to whole Iraqi people which known as (Newroz) or (New Day) and it is representing the beginning of Spring or Vernal Equinox in March, 21. There were thousands of Iraqi Arabs and Iranian tourists and they joined us to looking at the three mini sunspots, Moon, Mars and Saturn. We explained the reason for all this! And what is the massage of ISAN events to the world…Yes, We can unite and loving each other…Still there is a chance to sharing the spirit of cooperation between each other, without thinking about color, language and cultures…That’s true, we are humans before without borders!.  The activity becomes more exciting with fireworks on the sky right over the skis of Minara during ISAN 4, and most of peoples who joined us asked about more of events like this, and sure, next Global Astronomy Month (GAM) will holding many of these kind of Astro-Popular carnivals very soon.                        


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