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What Are We Willing To Take For Granted?

Newton's laws of motion take inertia for granted. "Corpus omne
persevere in statu suo quiescendi vel movendi uniformiter in directum
nisi quatenus ilud a viribus impresis cogitur statum suum mutare."
(Bodies all persevere in their states of quiescence or of motion uniform
in direction unless by forces impressed upon them they are compelled
to change their states.) Newton's laws of motion take inertia
for granted.
General relativity takes gravity for granted. "Matter tells
space-time how to bend; space-time tells matter how to move." But
gravity is taken for granted.
Quantum electrodynamics takes electricity for granted.
Mathematicians usually take space and time for granted. Their
problem is whether space and time are continuous or discrete.
Most physicists and cosmologists seem to take non-existence for
granted. The Big Bang cosmologists want us to believe that nothing
made everything o , of nothing.
I am not wining to take all this for granted. With the mystics,
on observational grounds, I take existence for granted. I see it.
Suppose we take existence for granted but leave out space and
time, can we, from what remains, get a Universe of gravity, electricity
and inertia? That is the problem.
First, what remains when we leave out space and time? What can
we not have in the absence of space and time? We cannot have change
without time. We cannot have division without space. And we cannot
have the finite without another to limit it. So we are left with the
changeless, the infinite, the undivided. Can we, from that, get a
Universe of change, made of minuscule particles, and divided into
atoms? How can we get from the changeless to the changing without
changing the changeless? How can we get from the infinite to the
finite without fencing it, without limiting it? And how can we get
from the anditided to the divided without dividing it?
That is easy. We simply mistake the one for the other