1) That that which exists (Brahman) is beyond time and space,
and that
seeing it in time and space is a mistake.
2) That the nature of Brahman shows through in time and space as energy,
3) That through discrimination and renunciation
it's possible to see through
the mistake.
4) That there may be reincarnation after death, governed by our Karma. That
there may be heavens and hells, but that this world is Karma Bhumi, the
world of action. And that there may be divine incarnation.
All these, from 1 to 4, are very old, from India.
5) That the
stars are suns. Very old, from China.
6) That the world is made of "atoms
and the void and the gravity of atoms."
Democritus, and very old,
from Europe.
7) That the Great Spiral Nebula in Andromeda is a galaxy.
Kant 1724-1804.
8) That all the other atoms are made of hydrogen. Prout
9) That man is descended from apes through evolution. Wallace and
That energy is conserved, but that entropy goes up. Clausius 1865.
That time and space are a pair of opposites. Einstein 1905.
12) That
the world is made of energy, E = m. The Einsteins 1905.
13) That the
continents drift. Wegener 1912.
14) That our uncertainty in position
and momentum cannot fall to zero.
Einstein and Heisenberg. 1927.
15) That the Universe is expanding. Hubble. 1929.
16) That, through Heisenberg's uncertainty principle, hydrogen and negative
entropy might recycle from the border of the observable Universe. Dobson
John Dobson June 8, 2006 Hollywood California