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Condensation and Dispersion

More than half a century ago someone suggested to me that energies
might be divided into two categories, energies that cause matter to condense and
energies that cause matter to disperse. We may call them condensational and
dispersional energies. But condensation and dispersion of what? I thought he
was crazy. But afterwards, when I thought it over, I suspected that he might not
be crazy.
First I thought that gravitational energy must be condensational, and that
when it causes condensation it becomes kinetic energy which must, therefore, be
dispersional. But then I thought that if you shoot a bullet toward the ground the
kinetic energy produces condensation. Oh no! If the bullet is going toward the
Earth, the kinetic energy is going up, not down. So kinetic energy is dispersional,
and since radiation is picked up as kinetic energy, without producing dispersion,
it must also be dispersional.
So then I thought that when condensational energy produces
condensation, it becomes dispersional energy. And that when dispersional
energy produces dispersion, it becomes condensational energy, as we see it in a
swinging pendulum. And the total energy remains constant. Then I thought that
electrical energy must be dispersional, and that we must be talking about the
condensation and dispersion of nucleons only, protons and neutrons, not
It would seem, then, that the total gravitational energy of the Universe
must be the same thing as its total electrical energy, and that we see things
spaced out against gravity by seeing them spaced in against electricity.
The question then arose: Can we consider electricity as a three
dimensionally dispersional, gravitational field? Do we have an example of a
dispersional, gravitational field? Then I thought of the merry-go-round. Couldn't
we consider it a two dimensional, dispersional, gravitational field with a Coriolis
effect? Could magnetism be the Coriolis effect of the three dimensionally
dispersional, electrical field? Like the Coriolis effect, the magnetic field is
perpendicular to the direction of motion, and proportional to the speed.
John L. Dobson July 19, 2002
4135 Judah Street, San Francisco, CA 94122
(415) 665-4054