What we usually think of as opposites are two things that are
identical in
some way but opposite in another, like up and down. They
are identical in that
they are measured along the gravitational gradient,
but opposite in that they are
measured in different directions along
that gradient. Now if we see the Universe
as made of protons and electrons
and falling together by gravity, and if we see
gravity and electricity
as opposites, then the question is: In what way are gravity
and electricity
identical, and in what way are they opposite?
They are identical in that both operate on what we call the inverse square
law. If the particles are twice as far apart, both the gravitational and the electrical
field fall off to one quarter. But they are opposite in that their fields are directed
opposite directions. Gravity is condensational, in that it pulls protons
toward each
other. And electricity is dispersional, in that it pushes
protons apart. Also, gravity
and electricity are identical in that the
gravitational rest energy of the protons,
due to their dispersion in
the gravitational field, is the same thing as their
electrical rest energy,
due to their condensation in the electrical field.
But since Einstein has already shown the identity of acceleration and
gravity, perhaps we should see a merry-go-round as having a two dimensional,
dispersional, gravitational field with a Coriolis effect. If, then, we consider
electricity as a three dimensional, dispersional, gravitational field, it would appear
that magnetism may be the Coriolis effect of electricity. Like the Coriolis effect
the merry-go-round, the magnetic field is perpendicular to the direction
of motion
and proportional to the speed.
These ideas occurred to me in the Vedanta
monastery nearly half a
century ago, and Michael Fell, charmed by the
ideas, was sure that they had
been used before. So he promised to look
them up when he got to Cal Tech, but
he later reported no sign of it.
I write these things up
now because I see a connection between the
notion that electricity might
be a manifestation of gravity and the ideas of those
old physicists in
India a few thousand years ago. They saw energy as the
underlying existence
seen in time and space. The underlying existence, being
not in time or
space, was seen as neither changing, finite nor divided. And since
is what we see in time and space, the changeless, the infinite and the
must show through in our physics.
So far, so good, the changeless shows through in time as inertia or mass,
and the infinite and the undivided show through in space as electricity and
gravity. And that gives us the physics which we have, the physics of gravity,
electricity and inertia. But what always bothered me is that we have only one
energy of position in time, and two energies of position in space. Now if electricity
can be considered a manifestation of gravity, then that duality disappears.
We are left, then, with the duality of space
and time which showed up in
Einstein's 1905 geometry as a pair of opposites,
but on what?
L. Dobson July 16, 2002
4135 Judah Street, San Francisco CA 94122 (415)