The negative entropy for everything that happens in this Universe
must be recycled, with
the hydrogen, from the border of the observable
Taking existence for granted, but not space and time, we see that that existence must be
changeless (not in time), and infinite and undivided (not in space), and that seeing it in time and
space must be a mistake. Then, since you cannot mistake your friend for a ghost without
your friend showing through in the ghost, the infinite must
show through in the teeny-weenies,
the undivided must show through
in the dispersion, and the changeless must show through in the
The wind-up of the
infinite showing through in the teeny-weenies is the rest energy of the
(Lawrence 1934). The wind-up of the undivided showing through in the dispersion of
the particles through space is the rest energy of the protons (Feynman 1980). And the wind-up
of the changeless showing through in the changes is what we see as inertia.
As the hydrogen falls together to galaxies
and stars, its radiation drives the cosmological
expansion and thus
imposes an observational border to the observable Universe. This expansion
also drives the redshift of the receding objects. The low mass particles near the border drive the
background radiation (Penzias and Wilson 1965). The redshift, through Heisenberg's
uncertainty principle (1927), recycles the hydrogen and the negative entropy from
observational border.
As I see it, the negative entropy for everything
that happens in this Universe recycles
with the hydrogen from that
observational border.
Is that why Sri Ramakrishna said, "He is truly free, living even in this body, who knows
that God is the doer and he is the non-doer."?
"The dream is in the dreamer and
the dream is alive."
John L. Dobson, 16 December 2007
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