Why do we see hydrogen and not something else?
In order to see, in
space and time, that which is not in space and time, and
therefore be changeless, infinite and undivided, there is a problem. The
arises because the nature of the underlying existence, its
its infinitude and its undividedness, must show through in the
just as, when a rope is mistaken for a snake, the length of the rope,
what is called the revealing power of the apparition, must show through
the snake for which it is mistaken.
Now if the one were to be seen as two, the oneness (the undividedness)
of the underlying existence, showing through in the revealing power of the
apparition, would bring the two together and close the twoness down. Similarly, if
the one were to be seen as many, the oneness of the underlying existence would
bring the many together and close the manyness down. But if the one is seen as
both two and many, (the one against the other) then the many can prevent
collapse of the two, and the two can prevent the collapse of the
many, because
neither the two nor the many can be seen alone.
What we see in this Universe
is an electrical duality against a gravitational
plurality and the oneness
shows through in the duality as the electrical attraction
between the
electron and the proton, and it shows through in the plurality as
And the demise of the duality is prevented by the gravitational
between the electron and the proton. That's Heisenberg's
principle. And the demise of the plurality is prevented by the spin
That's Pauli's exclusion principle.
Heisenberg's uncertainty principle does not prevent the demise of the
electrical duality between the electron and the positron (an electron with a
positive charge) because gravity is not involved there. Neither the electron nor
the positron is wound up against gravity, but the proton is. And it is only the
gravitational wind up of the proton that prevents the collapse of the duality in
spite of the enormous electrical attraction between the proton and its electron. As
Richard Feynman has pointed out, "The electron is purely electrical, the proton is
According to the Vedantins, energy is the underlying existence showing in
space and time through the revealing power of the apparition. It shows through in
space as the gravitational and electrical energies — energies of position in
And it shows through in time as inertia. But, as Swami Vivekananda
pointed out
to Nikola Tesla in1896, these are all the same thing. That's
why E = m, and why
the gravitational field is so much weaker than the
electrical field. The total
electrical energy must equal the total gravitational
energy, the total nuclear
energy and the total mass.
If seeing, in space and
time, that which is not in space and time is a
mistake, as the
Vedantins have suggested, it's consoling to know that it will take
form of hydrogen falling together to galaxies and stars.
The philosophy behind Vedanta was invented by physicists. And the
interesting thing, as I see it, is that the cosmological model that follows from their
old physics is the only such model from which we could have predicted gravity,
electricity and inertia. We could even have predicted Heisenberg's uncertainty
principle to keep up the electrical duality, and Pauli's exclusion principle to keep
up the gravitational plurality. And, so far as I can see, it's the only cosmological
model that predicts that the Universe must have frustration built in so that neither
gravity nor electricity can succeed, and so the Universe could not go on like this.
Way out there, in the
Great Elswhere, God is seen as hydrogen,
monatomic hydrogen, falling
together by gravity, coasting by inertia and shining
by starlight because
the undividedness, the changelessness and the infinitude of
the underlying
existence shows through. "If you find yourself at sea in a small,
boat, alone in the darkness of a cloudless night, and if you look into the
of the space between the stars, then keep wide awake, and if your
is filled with wonder and your mind is filled with peace, there is a chance
you will understand."
Most of the monatomic hydrogen remains dispersed through the vast
of the intergalactic spaces of the Great Elsewhwere. Only a little bit of it
condensed into something we could see.
Mother is the hydrogen. Mother is the star.
falls it all together to make us what we are.
She makes the heavy elements and throws them all around,
To make the rocky planets with soil on the ground.
She scatters the ingredients across the planet Earth,
Assembling them with sunlight to give us all our birth.
She shines the sun on all these plants; the oxygen is waste.
We munch the plants, and huff and puff, and run around in haste.
But we, poor dears, so mean of heart, assume we're in
the know,
And thinking we can manage, fail to see Who runs the show.
John L. Dobson 4135 Judah St. San Francisco, CA 94122
25, 2002 (415) 665-4054