John L. Dobson, February 26, 2003, Hollywood
Two nights ago I gave a talk to the old folks
at Leisure World, two thirds of
the way to San Diego. Some of them are
as old as I am, so I was careful, and we
had lots of fun.
After making fun of the
Big Bang through a great deal of laughter, I
replaced it with my recycling
model, handling all the problems and pointing out
the observational evidence
that hydrogen really is recycling from the
observational border. Then
I pointed out that this model predicts that the
Universe must be set
up on frustration or it couldn't go on like this.
Finally, after telling them that the notion of energy had not arisen in
Europe till 1845, I went back a few thousand years to those older physicists who
said that the whole Universe is made of energy. I said that their word for the
Universe was Jagat, the changing, but that they were smart enough to see that
underlying the Universe there must be an existence not in time and therefore
changeless, not in space and therefore infinite and undivided.
Then they asked, "If what exists is
changeless, how do we see change?"
And they said, "It can only
be by mistake." So they studied mistakes. That
caused a great deal
of laughter in that crowd of eighty older folks. So I explained
those old physicists said there are three things you have to do to mistake a
for a snake. First, they pointed out, you must fail to notice that it's a rope.
That's the veiling power of the mistake. Then, they said, you must jump to the
conclusion that it's a snake. That's the projecting power of the mistake. And
finally, you must have seen the length and diameter of the rope or you never
would have mistaken it for the length and diameter of a snake. And the crowd
laughed again when I told them that you can't mistake your friend for a ghost
without seeing your friend.
Seeing the nature of the underlying existence in the mistake is called the
revealing power of the mistake. And I told them that inertia is the changeless
showing through, electricity is the infinite and gravity is the undivided.
I even explained to them why the mistake
gives rise to hydrogen. It's
because the gravitational plurality keeps
up the electrical duality through
Heisenberg's uncertainty principle,
and the electrical duality keeps up the
gravitational plurality through
Pauli's exclusion principle.
When the talk was over one of those ladies told me that that was the best
lecture she's heard in her life. So she must have been able to understand it. And
one of those scientists told my friend Bob, "I've heard lots of lectures. That's the