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Energy 4

Energy may be defined as the underlying existence showing through in time and
space. The changeless shows through in time as inertia. The infinite and the undivided
show through in space as electricity and gravity, energies of position in space.
Space is not that which separates the many, but that which seems to separate
the one, and in that space that oneness shines_ Therefore falls whatever falls. And
space is not that in which we see the small, but that which the infinite appears as small,
Therefore bursts whatever bursts. Therefore shines whatever shines. And time is not
that in which we see the changing, but that in which the changeless seems to change.
Therefore rests whatever rests. Therefore coasts whatever coasts.
What we see, in what we call matter, as gravity, electricity and inertia, we see in
ourselves as our yearning for love, freedom and peace. Ws the underlying existence
showing through in space and time.
When l was in India in 1983 some one pointed out to me that, in the Sanskrit
account of the five elements, it's not that water and earth (electricity and magnetism)
are said to be twins, but that each of them is said to be twins. Now I see that that is
even more interesting because both electricity and magnetism arise in the duality that
keeps the gravitational plurality from collapse. The electromagnetic duality and the
gravitational plurality keep each other from collapse.
If the proton weren't gravitationally heavier than the electron, the electrical duality
would disappear_ We wouldn't have atoms at all And if Fermi particles didn't obey
Pauli's Verbot, we wouldn't have neutron stars or the atomic table.
If the Galaxy weren't spinning, the Solar system wouldn't be spinning and the
Earth wouldn't be spinning. And the Galaxy wouldn't be spinning if it hadn't passed
another galaxy long ago. Surely solar systems will be found only in the dusty discs of
spinning galaxies. It takes a lot of angular momentum to keep the planets from falling
into the stars.
Oh I seek that one being whom all beings seek,
Whom so few beings find,
Who is lord of my life and the bliss of my mind,
And who dwells in the cave of the heart.
I have sought him for ages, not finding the way,
The mind going out, finding nothing but clay.
Oh come in, Oh my mind!
He dwells in the cave of the a
About 1945, 2963 Webster Street
Oh I seek that one Mother whom all children seek,
Whom so few children find.
She is lord of our lives and the bliss of our minds,
And She dwells in the hearts of all.
I have sought Her for ages, not finding the way,
The mind going out, finding nothing but clay.
Oh come in, Oh my mind! She is all that exists,
And the sentiency even in clay.
About 2000, 1946 Vedanta Place
All spiritual aspirants see the World as apparitional; otherwise faith would have
no place in spiritual practice.
When you say all this, this all includes not only your local situation, but also all other
such situations on Earth. It includes the Solar System and the nearly empty space
beyond, whk.h contains Our Galaxy. And it includes the much more nearly empty space
beyond, containing galaxies in all directions, farther than the telescopes can see.
That is what is meant when you say all this is Brahman, beyond time, beyond
space, beyond change.
A lady school teacher in India once said to Swami Vivekananda, 'Swamiji, I don't
know much about religion, but these little ones I worship, and they will take me to
whatever truth there is."
In 1802 Thomas Young did the double slit ex and invented wave theory
to explain it.
In 1831 Michael Faraday discovered electromagnetic nduction and invented field
theory to explain it.
In 1905 Albert Einstein discovered the geometry of the real world but failed to
notice that it does away with both wave and field theory.
In Einstein's 1905 four dimensional geometry the space-time separation
between the emission and absorption events for a 'photon' or a 'graviton' is zero.
In 1954 Einstein wrote to Michele Besso, "I consider it quite possible that physics
cannot be based on the field concept, that is, on continuous structures.'
All we measure in radiation is the emission and absorption events, and the
space-time separation between them is zero. There are no photons. And as Niels Bohr
pointed out long ago, the electron doesn't have a trajectory. The wave aspect is in the
space component of the assumed trajectory.
All of quantum mechanics is a restatement of Einstein's 1905 geometry in whict
space and time appear as a pair of opposites.
For a single 'photon' the emission and absorption events are adjacent in spacetime.
But this adjacency has two components, a space component and a time
component. And what we do in Feynman's 'sum over histories' method is to sum over
the space component of the assumed trajectory.
For electromagnetic messages the space component cares what's in the way.
For gravitational messages the space component doesn't seem to care.
In Einstein's 1905 geometry space and time come in as a pair of opposites.
The space separation between two events comes into his Pythagorean equation
squared with a plus sign, but the time separation between those two events comes in
squared with a minus sign; so that if the space and time separations are equal, the total
space-time separation between those two events stands at zero. They are adjacent in
space-time. In that geometry the separation between the emission and absorption
events for 'photons' and 'gravitons' stands at zero. The emission and absorption events
are adjacent in space-time.
We see a Universe spread out before us with zero separation between us and
what can affect us by gravity, and with zero separation between us and what we see.