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John Dobson was born on Sept. 14th so it is only appropriate that we designate September as John Dobson Month. During this month, we ask you to honor John by carrying on his legacy of doing public events and finding wonder in our neighborhood, the Universe. This is a very personal and easy event to take part in, you choose the time/date and the activity. We understand it's often difficult with busy lives to take part in all of our events, so we made this one easy. While John should be an ispiration to everyone who has read or heard of him, we especially hope those he touched personally will remember him in September. 






Nothing honors John more that taking a telescope out to the street corner and sharing the sky with the public. This is the one activity he was adamant that amateur astronomers needed to do. Our Resources page has information to help you decide the right location and night as well as help with promotion, documentation and tips to have a successful sidewalk star party. Also be sure to download our event reports from our Recognition page so that you can count your sidewalk hours for our recognition pins.   





If you couldn't find John on the street corner, it is a good bet he was visiting a scool, church group, library, scout den or some other local organization to inform them about this Universe in which we all live. These organizations and groups are always looking for amateurs to help them see and learn about astronomy and space. There are lots of helpful items on our Resources page if you are new to this activity and need a little help designing a program. The Astronomical League give outreach awards, so be sure to join them and fill out your event reports. 





We all know John for the Dobsonian Telescope Mount and his own method of grinding mirrors. What better way to celebrate his life than to build your own scope or hold a workshop and work with others to build one of his user friendly scopes. Have a dobsonian for your club to set out at star parties and let people get a chance to run a scope and do some astronomy. We have plans online or we can mail them if you can't download them for some reason.  

Let's have some fun - we are challanging everyone to bake a cake and send us your photos during September. John didn't each much cake but he did like to lick the frosting and he liked seeing how creative some of the cakes were.

