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Venus is named after  the Roman goddess of love and beauty and is the second brightest object in the night sky after the moon.  Venus is such a popular planet and the public enjoys taking a look see at the only female planet! 


The Lunar and Planetary Institute has a ton of maps of Venus, it will be  great to talk about all her surface features that are named after historical women!  A Must See for our Girls Rule event in September!   A log sheet to draw her phase is provided in the resource section for a great hands-on activity.  After all, it was Galileo who sketched Venus’ phases that proved Copernicus’ theory that we all orbit the sun!


Venus is visible throughout the year.

 Make sure to log your public events to accumulate hours for your observing pin and for discounted or free solar glasses. 



Venus Log Sheet

Lunar and Planetary Institute Catalog of Venus Maps

NASA Venus Fact Sheet

Phases of Venus

Yeah Baby, She's Got It - A history of observing Venus

Student Activity

NOAA Greenhouse Activity Book

Greenhouse in a Jar

Atmosphere Changes in the Air

Venus - Planets for Kids

Kids Astronomy - Venus

Nasa Paper Models of Orbiters



