Jan 15, 2016
Honor John Dobson by planning a day full of activities revolving around amateur telescope making.
You can take part by holding a telescope making workshop, giving mirror grinding
demonstrations, holding public observing sessions with your homemade telescope or daytime solar observing with your dobson
sun scope.
This is the perfect time to start on a dobson sun scope, you'll
have it done and broken in by Sidewalk Astronomers Solar Sun-Day in September near JD's birthday.
We will be adding videos of some ATM gurus giving tips and advice.
Remember, if you hold public day or night sidewalk observing with your scopes - keep track of the hours for your
Sidewalk Astronomers Observing Pin! Your events also qualify for free solar glasses!!
"You Silly Goose" building a scope with John Dobson
Make sure to post photos, videos and updates on our event facebook page.
Plans, Videos and Resources for building a scope
John In Death Valley