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Mercury Madness


Join us as we celebrate our smallest planet Mercury as he makes his presence known this year and transits across the sun on May 9th.   Mercury transits the sun much more often than Venus about 13 to 14 per century and they happen in May and November.   We will also watch him hang out with the moon in April and September and with  Jupiter in August.


Like Venus, he appears at the horizon (low) at sunrise or sunset these are called elongation.  To catch him at sunrise or Greatest Western Elongation (meaning west side of the sun) on Feb 2nd; Jun 5th; and  Sep 28th.  To see him at sunset or Greatest Eastern Elongation (meaning east side of the sun) look for him on Apr 18th; Aug 16th and Dec 11th.


The Lunar and Planetary Institute has a catalog of maps of Mercury, it will be  great to talk about all his cratered surface.  A log sheet to draw his phases is provided in the resource section for a great hands-on activity.  He will have the same look like Venus and the moon!


Make sure to log your events for Sidewalk Astronomers Observing pins and for FREE Solar Glasses. 

